O, Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum...

We know. It is a bit early for Christmas. We apologize.

However, the reason we are rushing the season is to mention an upcoming event Muffin Dog Press will participate in: The Christmas Tree Festival at St. Eustachius Church, Tavistock, Devon.

Muffin Dog Press Cyber-Guru Simon Tiley grew up in Tavistock, and spent years acting as acolyte, server and crucifer. But no, that won't have anything to do with the tree.

Our theme is A Book, a Biscuit, and a Cup of Tea. Toddle along to St. Eustachius and see our efforts, and the efforts of a couple dozen others, between November 28 and December 7.

Here 's a photo of the ancient beautiful church, right in the middle of an historic market town--well worth a look.

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